Sunday, December 29, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis The 2015 York Riots Time Magazine...

In more cases than one a photo can speak louder than words. This why photos are constantly used in magazine articles, bulletin boards and posters. I picture is more likely to catch a person s attention rather than a piece of writing. A person is also more likely to remember a photo they have seen rather than a piece in writing. These photos are also commonly used when it comes to rhetoric and a person can I rhetorically analyze why the specific photo was used and how it was used. In this sense a person can identify why the picture is appealing to the audience and who the audience is. According to Owl,†A visual document communicates primarily through images or the interaction of image and text. Just as writers choose their words of such visual documents think no differently,† (Page 1). An example of these rhetorical analysis photos is the 2015 Baltimore Riots Time magazine cover. This photo was taken by a 26 year old photographer named Devin Allen from west Balt imore. He had been photographing models and had tried his hand at street photography, he drew his inspiration from photographers such as Gordon Parks and artists like Andy Warhol. Once protest took over his city in the aftermath of Freddie Gray’s death, the young photographer took to Instagram and found himself propelled on the global stage. His photographs of the demonstrations grabbed the headlines they were featured on the BBC and CNN, and shared by thousands of twitter and Instagram users. The picture

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