Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Scaffolding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Scaffolding - Essay Example Scaffolding instructions describe specialized training strategies geared toward supporting learning when the trainees are first introduced to a new aspect. Scaffolding gives trainees a situation, motivation and foundation from which to appreciate the new lessons introduced to them (Coackley, 1994). Tasks that are too difficult will be outside the trainees’ level of developmental scope and might have detrimental effects. Bridging the gap between their actual development and the potential, desired results might not be possible because frustration sets in. A core task of the fundamental steps in scaffolding entails keeping the trainees from getting frustrated. Enabling them to bridge the space between the real and the potentially possible skills depends on the resources or support the coach provides (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976). On the other hand, setting the standards too low may drive them into boredom and loss of motivation. In the case of coaching teenagers’ soccer, th e coach’s first step was to build their interest and engage their active participation. The trainees see the coach as knowledgeable about the content of soccer as well as a facilitator with the skills, strategies and processes required for coaching. The coach not only helps motivate trainees by providing basic support to enable them to achieve the objective, but also offers support in the form of modeling and highlighting the critical features of soccer, and providing hints and questions that might help them to reflect (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976). Towards this end, the coach requires some personal attributes like pleasantness, a sense of humor, even temper, courtesy, sympathy and enthusiasm (Coackley, 1994). Once the coach achieves participation, he breaks down the training programme into smaller and simpler units. There are specialized drills for strikers, defenders, midfielders and goalkeepers. It begins with each group identifying what and how they ought to achieve. True player growth takes place when each player’s routine training and playing surroundings are of the best standard (Ewing & Seefeldt, 1990). Having a consistent environment and a clear visualization of what is ahead for them maximized the trainees’ development. The coach used video clips and specially arranged soccer fields as teaching aids. The coach consistently uses video analysis of both group and individual performance. He develops the analysis in the region of problem solving thoughts. A trade of questions, suggestions and answers between the coach and players and then again between the players themselves is always productive. The coach stressed the significance of video analysis immediately following the activity. That is when the trainee had a feel for the action. Video feedback had its greatest impact in training sessions where evaluation followed by immediate recurrence of the action took place in a coach controlled situation (Ewing & Seefeldt, 1990). In areas w here the trainees are succeeding, the coach’s and teaching aid’s assistance are reduced. In the same way, he provided more assistance where he observed struggling (Coackley, 1994). Brief viewing periods plus the coach’s analysis were followed by attempts to correct as well as improve on performance. Correction had to be positive, not negative. The coach stopped talking and listened. The idea was to avoid filling the trainees’ minds with details, but allow them to think and analyze for themselves. He was only to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Night of the Scorpion Essay Example for Free

Night of the Scorpion Essay In Vultures and Night of the Scorpion the description used is both vivid and horrific. The descriptions cause the reader to have mixed emotions throughout the poems; the poet changes his narrative perspective on things which in turn affects the reader; this is what makes the poems thought provoking and strange. The name Night of the Scorpion sounds like a scary monster film. This misleads the reader because this poem is not like that at all. Instead of the scorpion being evil, the poet describes the scorpions actions which lead us to feel sorry for it. Ten hours of steady rain had driven him to crawl beneath a sack of rice. The word driven suggests that the scorpion had no other choice. He is desperate to be safe and dry, so he crawls beneath a sack of rice. In this part of the poem, we dont see the scorpion as a monster as the title of the poems suggests. The sympathy for the scorpion is contrasted when the scorpion stings the mother. There is some mixed emotion in the reader; because we dont know whether the scorpion is innocent, because he needs somewhere to stay; or is he is evil as the title suggests, because he has unprovokedly stung the mother. Flash reflects the suddenness and sneakiness of the sting. His tail is described as diabolic, which means it is evil and devil like. The neighbours are quite selfish in that they see this as entertainment. The peasants came like swarms of flies. The mother obviously hated them coming to watch her suffer. The neighbours are sympathetic though and try to help the mother. Buzzed the name of God a hundred times to paralyze the Evil One. The idea of them buzzing is proving irritating to the mother, and refers to the idea of swarms of flies. The poet uses capital letters to describe Evil One. This makes the scorpion seem powerful, but in an evil way referring back to the title of the poem. The repetition of the letter P in the alliteration parting with his poison makes the reader feel the powerful and dangerous nature of the sting as the P sounds quick but agonizing. Similarly, the title of the poem Vultures makes the reader predict what the poem is about. In fact, the poem is not intended to be about vultures at all, the vultures are a metaphor for an idea that the poet wants to explore. The idea is that love can be found even in the most evil of beings. The descriptions of the vultures are harsh and frightening. His smooth bashed in head, a pebble on a stem rooted in a dump of gross feathers. Smooth bashed in head, is juxtaposition because it is impossible for something to be smooth and bashed in at the same time. A pebble on stem rooted in a dump of gross feathers, is a metaphor which is trying to giving the message that the vulture is just a thing with no important significance. Throughout the poem, the poet is giving the message of death, war and violence using very strong descriptive imagery. Yesterday they picked the eyes of a swollen corpse in a water-logged trench and ate the things in its bowel. The corpse in the trench is referring to a soldier who has died in a war trench. The alliteration in the first few lines helps set a negative tone. Drizzle of one despondent dawn. The drizzle brings the idea of rain, which refers to unhappiness. Despondent is bringing the idea of depression, despair, and hopelessness. Dawn is early in the day, meaning that nobody is around which brings the idea of loneliness. The hard accentuation of the D is ringing through these opening lines; the D is also referring to the idea of death, which this poem is revolving around. A vulture perching high on broken bone of a dead tree. The poet has personified the tree by giving it bones. Broken bones, is supporting the idea of war, where there are epic injuries and death. Sunbreak, means sunset. But the poet has used this word as a substitute to bring the idea of sadness; because even the sun which is stereotypical of being happy is sad and is breaking. There is no anticipation that this will be a happy or sunny poem and yet, unexpectedly, the vulture inclines his bashed in head to settle affectionately against his mate. The vulture is clearly not put off by the surrounding environment. This one description of love is immediately followed by more images of the repulsive and revolting as the eating habits of the birds are described vividly and stomach churningly. Both poems use unexpected changes of mood and dimension to engage the reader with the ideas of the poems. We start off feeling sympathy for the scorpion, but we are left thinking that this really is a diabolical creature. With the vultures, we feel that they represent something depressing and violent and yet we are surprised by the affection between the two birds. Both poets use descriptions of places and the activities carried out in them to develop the ideas explored in the poems. In Night of the Scorpion, the description of the activity of the neighbours makes the reader feel irritated by them, even though they are said to be there to help the mother. They are described in a way that makes them seem annoying like flies. The peasants came like swarms of flies This simile is continued, they buzz and fuss and click. The poet is trying to make the reader feel truly annoyed with them, by using strong imagery. This irritation is surprising to the reader because the neighbours are trying to help, but possibly a bit too enthusiastically. They bring equipment with them. More candles, more lanterns, more neighbours. The poet has deliberately made this into a type of list, because lists are annoying, which contrasts the neighbours. This repetition of more also helps the reader to feel that the neighbours are relentless and irritating as they try to help the bitten mother, because the help is gaining no results, so even more people is just plain annoying. The lack of sympathy from the poet can be shown in the repetition of they said.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Identifying the Main Character in The Use of Force :: Personal Narrative

Identifying the Main Character in The Use of Force Since Olson narrates the story, I was tempted to focus on his opinions and motives in accessing and handling the intense situation of diagnosing a sick child. Though tempted to focus on Olson, after meticulous analysis of the passage, I noted Matilda as the character that force is being applied to-clearly a manifestation of the title of this story. All attention and focus is on Matilda employing care to her appearance as well as her fluster. Matilda just would not allow Olson to take cultures from the back of her throat. Olson’s blunt remarks to Matilda’s naà ¯ve parents â€Å"for heavens sake...she might have diphtheria and possibly die from it,† doesn’t affect the child in the least. Nothing changes. Diphtheria is an infectious disease in which a membrane forms over the air passage. Olson orders one parent, whom he subconsciously had not disclosed, to place the child on his lap and hold her wrist. Matilda shrieked terrifyingly, desperately, â€Å"Stop it! You’re killing me!† Matilda’s mother is even more naà ¯ve than her father because obviously Olson told the child she would die of a sore throat to startle her and prompt gravity to the urgency of acquiring the cultures. Yet, Matilda’s mother still questioned the doctor contemptibly till her husband had to suggest that she take leave of absence from the room, inferring that diphtheria is deadly. Olson’s ego is ruffled, for he states that he could have torn the child apart in his own fury and enjoyed it. It was a pleasure to attack her. Force is implied from the statements ‘Then the battle begins’ and ‘Oh yeah’ in Olson’s objection to the alternative to go to the hospital. This is embodied by the descriptions: abject, crushed, exhausted, magnificent heights of insane fury, and terror for the doctor. The doctor wrestles with Matilda and her parents. Operative determination in the final unreasoning assault, to overpower her neck and jaws to insert the tongue depressor, succeeded. Focus shifted from each character back to the child. Olsen speaks about the other characters at length, at all times referring their effect or concerns on the child. The only mention of defensiveness is in Matilda. She had fought valiantly, hiding the secret of her sore throat and cried blinding tears. Olson becomes impatient calling Matilda â€Å"a damn little brat,† emphasizing her ignorance when he says she has to be protected from her idiocy.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bass Fishing 101 :: essays research papers fc

Tight Lines The fog drifts lazily above the murky swamp water as I slowly ease my boat toward an ancient, moss covered cypress tree. A bullfrog croaks its early morning greeting and somewhere off in the distance an unknown creature screeches as the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. The old tree was the site of a recent battle between a monstrous black bass and me. A battle in which the big bass taught me a valuable lesson in humility. I have a lot more respect for her and her kind. She never gave up the fight at any time during our encounter. Her fierce determination eventually paid off and she swam away in victory. So now, I visit that spot now and then, not really wanting to catch her, but perhaps just to say hello. Bass fishing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are of my family and me out at a local pond. We learned about fishing, nature, and a lot about each other at that old water hole. I think fondly of my childhood and I am grateful that I was able to experience those things. With that in mind, it comes as a surprise when I’m asked for my opinion on a certain technique or even something as simple, or complex, as tying a knot. I’ve always assumed everybody knew how to fish. Dautreuil 2 Before we go out and tackle that feisty old bass that lives under the cypress tree, here are a few basics that we should keep in mind. Bass fishing can be a very relaxing sport as well as a great way to learn about our environment. What is a bass? A bass is a member of the perch family; just on the larger side. There are striped bass, sand bass, hybrids and smallmouth, but the fish we are going after is my favorite. The largemouth bass, or black bass. This is the most pursued freshwater fish in the southern United States. The black bass can be broken down into several different strains. Here in Louisiana, we are most likely to encounter the spotted bass, Florida bass and Kentucky bass. The latter two have been introduced into our waters to enhance fish population and size. The black bass has a very large mouth. A grapefruit would easily fit into the mouth of a five-pound fish.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Relevance Of Kant’s Ideas In Today’s Modern World

In his Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant formulated his theory of the Universal Law, which states that a person must act according to the maxim that he or she can will to become a universal law. Simply put, that maxim behind one’s behavior must be a principle that any other individual can apply, something that one â€Å"can rationally will that everyone adopt† (Van der Linden). Under this Kantian law, the very notion of harming one’s future self becomes a preposterous, if not criminal, idea because one cannot obviously will everybody to follow suit. The believe that in a government working its way towards the equality of its citizens. Freedom, for Kant, is obtained through a universal theory of right. Morality is at the center of Kant’s freedom and this is crucial in forming a government. John got his freedom, through murdering the tyrant. And in this case, the freedom and the rights of the rich man, tyrant as he is, was stepped upon proving the unrighteousness of the action. Kant values the sense of freedom in relation to reason. If man is fated or causally determined, then it is pointless for freedom to exist as man has already a determined course of actions. John earned the trust of the people by recognizing the general will of the community, or what is known as the people’s will. Acknowledging the general will creates the laws of the society. These laws, however, should be grounded by the good of the people. Only with the consent of the people will the laws and, ultimately, the government will turn to be legitimate. Kant defines the ideal government in such a way that morality is at the center of it. And with this notion, the actions of John were not justifiable. John’s government started out with a wrong foot, his concealment of the murder of the tyrant. Although this brought about the freedom of the people, the method of doing so was immoral in Kant’s views. This is the kind of society that is ideally set up. The theme of Kant’s moral philosophy is on how people deserve to be happy and not happiness in itself. This is prevalent in the teachings of John gave away the tyrant’s wealth to the people because they deserve to be happy. The morality of man’s actions does not depend on the outcome of the actions. However, we can control the reason behind the action. The morality then rests upon the motivation behind the action. But a motivation of a positive goal, such as making people happy or benefiting the people the same way as John did, is not the right motive, according to Kant. â€Å"No outcome, should we achieve it, can be unconditionally good. Fortune can be misused, by what we thought would induce benefit that might actually bring harm, and happiness might be undeserved. [†¦] It is the possession of a rationally guided will that adds a moral dimension to one’s acts. So it is the recognition and appreciation of duty itself that must drive our actions† (McCormick 2001). Morality of one’s actions is defined by pursuing a goal with no conditions. The reason is not the means for the ends. â€Å"All means to an end have a merely conditional worth because they are valuable only for achieving something else† (McCormick 2001). Thus, John’s actions were not morally right. He used immoral ways in achieving his goal. And this could also be used in performing other actions leading to harm of other people. Kant stresses that the moral worth of an action is not based on its effects, or on anything else publicly visible about it, but rather on why the agent performed it. Kant believes that the highest good requires both our moral perfection and our well being proportionate to our moral perfection, but we are not capable of bringing about either of those. It is in God that ultimate happiness commensurable to goodness can be experienced. Goodness and happiness can only be reached through actions towards morality, a maxim of duty that disregards the conditions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Effects essays

Effects essays As the issues of war change, the effects of war of a family differ in some ways and remain the same in other ways. A family will still hurt of the loss of a family member and the communication between family members has changed. From the standards of war today to the viewpoints or war, changes occur all along the way, but things still remains the same. Civil War or World War, the effects of communication from the past till now have evolved. When a family member heads off to war, there is less communication. That family member can write letters like the soldiers did back in the civil war. Now, soldiers can e-mail and use instant messenger. This helps improve communication between family members. Also, most people today have cell phones. They aid soldiers to communicate with their family members, unless there is no service where they are. Even though there is more technology to help communication between family members, the time to communicate of a soldier remains the same. In the past, the arm forces consisted of just men. Today not only men, but also women can join the army or navy to help fight in a war. Also, in the past, soldiers rode around to towns asking anyone (white males of about the age 18 and some slaves) to join their side. Just like in the past, husbands, single men, divorced men, boyfriends, still take part in the war. Today, soldiers of any race or sex may work in varies branches of the army/navy/marines, but only if they pass a series of tests. When a family member in the war dies, the effects remain the same. The family receives a letter or someone calls or visits the family to tell the family to bad news. The family would still be very hurt over the loss of a loved one. They would still want a proper burial for that person. Family members can still have different viewpoints of a war. They can both take different sides in war and remain close to each other. In the past, usually family members t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Hope Of A Better Place †Creative Writing Essay

The Hope Of A Better Place – Creative Writing Essay Free Online Research Papers The Hope Of A Better Place Creative Writing Essay Have you ever looked into the skies at night and just wondered what was out there? If there were other races, just trying to live as best they could, or others, trying to claim every planet available before someone ever could get a chance. Have you ever just wanted to leave this planet, in hopes to find something better? All my life I’ve been interested with space and alien races, the stars and there planets. I’ve always wanted to fly around in space, experience zero gravity. To me, it gives me a sense of freedom, free from Earth. Free from everything. I’m sure by now, you’re wondering what I’m talking about. All I’m saying is that, some day, we will be able to do these kinds of things. Sometimes I will start thinking about the future, and I see it as a type of Star Trek, just not to that extent. Someday, not any time soon, but someday, we will get bored with our own system and will want to explore farther then we’ve ever done. NASA will build an interplanetary ship, instruct a crew, and launch them up in to the deep reaches of space, in hopes that we will find something useful. Now, I’m sure, by then, if we don’t change our ways soon, our beloved Earth will be lying on its death bed, just waiting, if it hasn’t died already. So I’m sure, NASA will be looking for another planet we will be able to live on. For most people, this will be a good thing, but the way I see it, I’m sure there will be some environmentalist protest groups trying to ban the whole thing: â€Å"We told you the planet needed to be saved, did you listen, no. Now you’re just going to find another, so you can trash it!† And then there are the religious groups: â€Å"Heathens, The Lord is never going to agree with this!† But, who knows, they might not have enough political power to really stop anything, so they might just take things into their own hands, like some protest groups did with the abortion clinic bombings. And of course there is the hippie group that doesn’t want other civilizations to be interfered with. And of course once this group is brought into the world, it will cause a political battle about â€Å"what a civilization consists of.† Could it be a planet full land animals, or must they have a spoken language, or some form of intelligence. And who are we to decide, â€Å"They’ll never be smart.† But once the debating and arguing are over, one of two decisions will be made: One, it loses all together and we can invade any planet we want regardless of who was there first, with the mind set: We need it, now! Or two, â€Å"Finders, Keepers,† if someone’s there, just find a different one. Now, if we do find a planet, it is occupied and we give our self’s permission to land there. Are we going to live with them, side by side? I doubt it. I’m reminded of the time Europe found America and completely dominated the new land, ridding it of the natives and converting the one’s they kept. Now, if what they say about history repeating it self is true. Then I sure we’ll kill off the weakly race of aliens, until we realize what we’ve done, and put them on the endangered species list, and put them on reservations with just enough room to build a casino on. That’s one thing humans are good at; messing thing up and fixing them at the last minute so it looks like they care. Then of course, there is the case that we might piss someone off. What if we take someone’s planet that looks empty, but turns out to be someone’s summer resort, like when the birds migrate south to warmer climates. And, of course, the owners of the planet come back and see we’ve just made our self’s at home thinking it’s in empty planet. Naturally, this will upset them just a bit, so they just start shooting with out asking questions. The media gets a hold of this and twists it around so it looks like they just came out of the red sky (or what ever color the new planets sky is) and just shot us up for the hell of it. Well the people of Earth will eat this up, because they believe everything on TV Research Papers on The Hope Of A Better Place - Creative Writing EssayBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XThe Hockey Game19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionWhere Wild and West MeetCapital PunishmentHip-Hop is ArtHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Effects of Illegal Immigration

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on True Evil

The True Evil Everyone is able to commit evil within every human being on earth. It is how we overcome these urges to use this evil that defines who we are. In Mary Shelley’s gothic novel, â€Å"Frankenstein†, evil is portrayed in many ways through Victor Frankenstein’s actions. The main conflict in the novel is based on the â€Å"monster† Victor Frankenstein created in his laboratory. He neglects his responsibility to the monster he created by ignoring its existence, and his cowardice leads to feelings of guilt and unhappiness that cause his life to unravel and the people he loves to perish. His refusal to be accountable for his action brings the misery and misfortune that constitute the foundation of the novel. As the monster explains how he was tellinsg how he has a difficult time adjusting to his new surroundings and how he was hated by all people he first came in contact with, â€Å"he struggled violently. â€Å"Let me go,† he cried:†monster! Ugly wretch! You wish to eat me and tear me into pieces†(Shelly 136). This proves that every person he encounters thinks that he is going to harm them. The monster also was telling how he learned all about the human experience from simply observing people, how to speak, to read, to write, to be happy, to love. He was talking about these people that he loved in the hope that they could accept him, and how when he introduced himself, he was met with fear and hate, and how he ran away from the people, and how they moved away and left him all alone again. He became bitter to mankind and lost all the love he used to preserve. Frankenstein t went to Geneva, and found William, and killed him, and then framed Justine for the murder. He made a deal with Victor, if the monster would leave the civilized world forever if Victor would only agree to create a female companion for him. Victor had sympathy for the monster, but felt extreme hatred when he was telling the two murders the monster com... Free Essays on True Evil Free Essays on True Evil The True Evil Everyone is able to commit evil within every human being on earth. It is how we overcome these urges to use this evil that defines who we are. In Mary Shelley’s gothic novel, â€Å"Frankenstein†, evil is portrayed in many ways through Victor Frankenstein’s actions. The main conflict in the novel is based on the â€Å"monster† Victor Frankenstein created in his laboratory. He neglects his responsibility to the monster he created by ignoring its existence, and his cowardice leads to feelings of guilt and unhappiness that cause his life to unravel and the people he loves to perish. His refusal to be accountable for his action brings the misery and misfortune that constitute the foundation of the novel. As the monster explains how he was tellinsg how he has a difficult time adjusting to his new surroundings and how he was hated by all people he first came in contact with, â€Å"he struggled violently. â€Å"Let me go,† he cried:†monster! Ugly wretch! You wish to eat me and tear me into pieces†(Shelly 136). This proves that every person he encounters thinks that he is going to harm them. The monster also was telling how he learned all about the human experience from simply observing people, how to speak, to read, to write, to be happy, to love. He was talking about these people that he loved in the hope that they could accept him, and how when he introduced himself, he was met with fear and hate, and how he ran away from the people, and how they moved away and left him all alone again. He became bitter to mankind and lost all the love he used to preserve. Frankenstein t went to Geneva, and found William, and killed him, and then framed Justine for the murder. He made a deal with Victor, if the monster would leave the civilized world forever if Victor would only agree to create a female companion for him. Victor had sympathy for the monster, but felt extreme hatred when he was telling the two murders the monster com...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

CONFLICT RESOLUTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CONFLICT RESOLUTION - Essay Example This paper explores the application of the concept of conflict resolution in my relationship, in my life. My relationships with different people including my family members have not been beds of roses as they have been always plagued by tug-of-war issues relating to who is wrong and who is right between the other party and I. But thanks to conflict management information that I learnt in class I have sufficiently resolved the issues. The resolutions have saved me from nasty fighting side effects both physically and emotionally, for instance, I no longer feel intimidated or having given up on what I really wanted after utilizing the compromisation approach to conflict resolution in my relationship. Instead, the sense is that of a win-win situation as part of my interests are addressed as much those of the party are addressed- none of us totally surrenders their interests for the other party (West & Turner, 2012). From conflict management, I have learnt useful tips of resolving relationship conflict; avoidance of deal-breakers, best time choice, loving acceptance and benefit-of-doubt. First, I have learnt to avoid deal-breaker habits such as personal criticisms, stonewalling and sneering contempt as they hamper mutual communication. Second, I recognize the importance of picking the best time to discuss and resolve the conflict as resolutions are less effective in times characterized by stress ad hunger. Loving acceptance helps to eliminate personal defenses while promoting the urge of pleasing each other (West & Turner, 2012). Benefit-of-doubt puts off jumping to conclusions without hearing explanations from the other

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organization Design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organization Design - Research Paper Example Thus the structure of a business organization need to be conducted based on six essential elements which can be stated as follows. Firstly the organizational design can be based on the degree of work specialization of the organizational employees. Secondly the different organizational tasks needs to be grouped based on like factors forming departments. Thirdly the organizational design needs to be based on the job hierarchy roles in the concern defining the reporting authorities. Fourthly the organizational design needs to understand the number of subordinates who can be managed by one managerial head. Fifthly the organizational design differs in organizations in regards to centralized and decentralized decision making paths. Finally in the sixth case organizational design also differs based on the standardization of work rules in the concern or departments (Robbins, Judge and Sanghi, 2010, p.234). Designing of Individual Position The business organization performs in an effective ma nner through the collective relationships of large number of employees based along different units and departments. In this regard, Aart (2005) relates that the organizational machinery performs effectively based on the designing of individual positions in the concern. The organic approach to organizational design suggests that the people in the organization work as vibrant units adapting themselves to the external changes. The organizational vision and mission objectives and policy changes needs to be communicated effectively to the different individuals in the concern. These individuals need to coordinate with each other to help in the achievement of organizational goals. Thus the different individuals or groups... The study performs business organization in an effective manner through the collective relationships of large number of employees based along different units and departments. In this regard, Aart relates that the organizational machinery performs effectively based on the designing of individual positions in the concern. The organic approach to organizational design suggests that the people in the organization work as vibrant units adapting themselves to the external changes. The organizational vision and mission objectives and policy changes needs to be communicated effectively to the different individuals in the concern. These individuals need to coordinate with each other to help in the achievement of organizational goals. Thus the different individuals or groups working in a concern needs to be assimilated and trained effectively to pursue the holistic organizational mission. The organization thus must not be seen as an isolated entity; rather it must be visualized as an organic w hole. Fox, Schwella and Wissink state that an organization to effectively pursue the organizational mission and objectives needs to design its structures accordingly. The structures based on grouping of tasks and organizational potencies act as superstructures helping the organization accomplish its mission. Designing of organizational superstructures is conducted based on a process in which the organizational objectives thus framed are percolated throughout the concern in the form of top down structure.

Market in econmoy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Market in econmoy - Essay Example In oligopoly the whole market is controlled by small group of firms. Here at least two firms control the market. This market has small competition with high price. Monopolistic competition is an imperfect competition where many producers sell different types products. There are large numbers of customers and sellers. In monopoly market there is a single supplier and large number of buyer. The seller produces a particular commodity. This four types of market rules the economy. The characteristics of perfect competitive market are the buyers and sellers cannot affect the price of the market. Here the firms always try to maximize the profit by increasing the output levels. A huge amount of competition exists in the market. Entry and exit from this market is very easy for the firms. Barriers in entering the market are less. Many small firms are present in a large number (Dwivedi, 2002). Almost identical products are sold by the companies. There is a perfect knowledge of price and technology is present in the market. All the firms in perfect competition maintain almost the same price and faces horizontal demand. In monopolistic competition there are different types of product with many firms. The products of the companies are almost same. The firms produce close substitute products. This market is characterized with various products and many firms. In the long run of monopolistic competition there is no exit and entry cost in the long run. The buyers and sellers are the independent in making decision (Dwivedi, 2009). They don’t have perfect information about the market. The companies in this market incur a huge expenditure on its advertisements for attracting customers. The firms charge the price which is higher than marginal cost. A firm operating in a monopoly market is the only seller of products or services without any such close substitutes. Monopoly market represents a specific economic structure. Monopolies are usually characterized by competition

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Mass production for ordinary consumers (Thesis- I believe that mass Essay

Mass production for ordinary consumers (Thesis- I believe that mass production of food by companies for consumers are putting the life of individual at risk - Essay Example ney and guarantees stability of quality but I believe that mass production of food by companies for consumers are putting the life of individual at risk. Most obviously mass production of food was reasonable and necessary at the times of industrialization when many people were moving from villages to cities. It helped to provide all classes of population with cheap food of a decent quality because it was made under uniformed conditions. However, as a result all local production has become less and less profitable and local cuisine has ceased to exist (Local Shops 1). In all the regions of the United states people can buy Domino`s pizza with the same taste and eat McDonald`s cheeseburgers. Moreover, in all the countries of the world it is possible to buy Coca–Cola and Lay`s and be sure that their taste is absolutely familiar. Supermarkets took places of small bakeries and vegetable stores turning people into robots who do not differentiate between a chicken from a neighborhood farm and a chicken from a big factory. It makes people less aware of what they are eating and it influences their health. As food giants tend to sell as many products as possible they need to save money on ingredients. It is no wonder that food made on factories and prepared in fast food restaurant chains is not expensive and good looking. First, it mostly contains fats, sodium, and sugar that are harmful for health. Moreover, there is a necessity to guarantee that almost all food will be sold that is why food giants make everything possible to extend the shelf life of the products. A number of additives are supposed to make food look more appealing. However, such ingredients as olestra, aspartame, artificial colors and flavors, monosodium glutamate, saccharin, sodium nitrate, sulfites, cyclamate, caffeine, BHA, BHT and acesulfame-potassium, are not natural and can evoke allergic reaction (Bruso 1). Mass production and fast food industry are considered to be the primary reasons of

Our foolish thoughts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Our foolish thoughts - Essay Example On the other hand, Gray Sloan in his essay "Sleuthing Patriotic Slogans" argues in satirical way about the words used in patriotic slogans. Since the time Sloan has been learning and teaching language, he has been also analyzing the grammar usage in today's patriotic slogans. Even though he finds errors in grammar structure of those slogans, he does not care much about that, because he concerns more about the meaning of those slogans. However, both authors are worried about the eloquence in today's public speeches and patriotic slogans would be used by people in power to hypnotize and fool American people. Jacoby uses the word "folks" as an example of the change in political terms. Politicians these days usually use the term "folks" to address Americans instead of â€Å"people or â€Å"ladies and gentlemen† like in the old days. Jacoby wonders why this term is used these days especially after she finds out that the term "folks" has never been used before as a political term. "The word "folks" was once a colloquialism with no political meaning" (395). She believes that using colloquial terms in today's public speeches is a way of isolating American people from political decisions, which downgrades them like if they were ineligible for such decisions. As she declares: The specific political use of folks as an exclusionary and inclusionary signal, designed to make speaker sound like one of the boys or girls, is symptomatic of a debasement of public speech inseparable from a more general erosion of American culture standards. Casual colloquial language also conveys an implicit denial of the seriousness or whatever issue being debated: talking about folks going off to war is the equivalent of describing rape victims as girls (395). Unlike today's politicians, former leaders were trying to use simple words to let people understand their speech but without debasement of a public speech. However, Jacoby also concerns about the change of the term "soldiers" to " troops" by politicians and media. Jacoby states that some people in media or military media claim that the term "soldiers" would be offensive for women who have joined the army as "Dimwits", since they claim that the term "soldier" sounds masculine that is not true. Jacoby believes that the reason behind the change of that term is to magnify the news about the war and its losses. She links the change in both terms "folks" and "troops" to the debasement of speeches as she states: â€Å"Like unremitting appeals to folks, the victory of troops over soldiers offers an impressive illustration of the relationship between fuzzy thinking and the debasement of everyday speech" (396). Just as Jacoby who does not define the debase speech as one that simply uses prosaic grammar structure, Sloan almost has the same concerns about the signs and billboards, posters and stickers emblazoned with patriotic slogans such as "United We Stand," "Support the Troops," "Pray for the Troops," "Let Freedom R ing," "Home of the Brave," "God Bless America" which can be met everywhere in his hometown. His main argument is about the way the slogans are written and what they really mean. He analyzes those patriotic slogans and criticizes them satirically. In addition, he finds some of them are contradictive and unrealistic. For example, â€Å"Let Freedom Ring† and â€Å"United We Stand†, he believes that those two patriotic slogans are conflict with each other, as he wonders â€Å"

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mass production for ordinary consumers (Thesis- I believe that mass Essay

Mass production for ordinary consumers (Thesis- I believe that mass production of food by companies for consumers are putting the life of individual at risk - Essay Example ney and guarantees stability of quality but I believe that mass production of food by companies for consumers are putting the life of individual at risk. Most obviously mass production of food was reasonable and necessary at the times of industrialization when many people were moving from villages to cities. It helped to provide all classes of population with cheap food of a decent quality because it was made under uniformed conditions. However, as a result all local production has become less and less profitable and local cuisine has ceased to exist (Local Shops 1). In all the regions of the United states people can buy Domino`s pizza with the same taste and eat McDonald`s cheeseburgers. Moreover, in all the countries of the world it is possible to buy Coca–Cola and Lay`s and be sure that their taste is absolutely familiar. Supermarkets took places of small bakeries and vegetable stores turning people into robots who do not differentiate between a chicken from a neighborhood farm and a chicken from a big factory. It makes people less aware of what they are eating and it influences their health. As food giants tend to sell as many products as possible they need to save money on ingredients. It is no wonder that food made on factories and prepared in fast food restaurant chains is not expensive and good looking. First, it mostly contains fats, sodium, and sugar that are harmful for health. Moreover, there is a necessity to guarantee that almost all food will be sold that is why food giants make everything possible to extend the shelf life of the products. A number of additives are supposed to make food look more appealing. However, such ingredients as olestra, aspartame, artificial colors and flavors, monosodium glutamate, saccharin, sodium nitrate, sulfites, cyclamate, caffeine, BHA, BHT and acesulfame-potassium, are not natural and can evoke allergic reaction (Bruso 1). Mass production and fast food industry are considered to be the primary reasons of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dell's Product Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dell's Product Policy - Essay Example This translates to their system having low cash conversion cycle hence cash is generated steadily. However, the system has its limitations. The low inventory held means shortage is a possibility in cases where manufacturers delay in supplying the PC chips, like in 1996. The very high dependence on on-time component supply by manufacturers poses a major threat to steady supply. In addition, changes in product means an overhaul in processes which is an expensive venture. This means that working capital can be funded through the management of inventory and cash flow cuts (Ruback & Sesia 2003). Working capital is the measure of efficiency and liquidity in a company. To obtain the computation, one needs to subtract current liabilities from the firm’s current assets. Inventory process For comparison, we assume that the cost of goods sold by the competitors remains constant. We observe that the carrying costs only depend on the DSI (Ruback & Sesia 2003). For 1995, the cost of sales = $2737, equivalent to a daily COS of 2737/365= $7.5% We make a comparison with the highest observed DSI of the competitor, Compaq, 73. Hence the inventory Compaq holds over dell is (73-32)*75=$307.5 m This means that for Compaq to acquire new goods, it has to sell its old inventory. Since new technology is 30% cheaper, Compaq incurs and an opportunity loss, given by 0.3*307.5=$92.25m Cash funding This provides a simple way for the company to grow its assets in the short term without borrowing long term. Assume we want to grow the cash by 52% for 1996 internally. The total assets denoted TA for 1995 is computed as follows: TA (1995) =1594-484=1110. As a fraction of sales, 1110/3475=0.3194 or 31.94%. Assuming that they want to hold this for 1996, the required increase in the total assets without long term investment is given by 0.3194*0.52*3475=579.37m. This should be done without the increasing account payables (as this is an external means). This means that the cumulative liabilities should be computed excluding these payables, i.e. for CL (cumulative liabilities) for 1995=1594-403 and for 1996=2184-466. The change in current assets not factoring in accounts payable is the difference in the two values, yielding a value $491m. Assuming the company adopts the same strategy of maintaining the profit generated, the net profit to sales ratio should remain constant. This value computed as 149/3475=0.0429 or 4.29%. We can determine the cash flow from net profit for 1996 by holding the sales value constant, computed as shown, .0429*1.52*3475=$226.89m, surpassing the debt level as the total cash inflow which is the sum of the net profit and the increase in liabilities against the cash outflow required for 1996 Fund growth for 1997 The increase in total assets, TA for 1996, 2148-591=1557 as ratio of sales, 1557/5296=0.294 or 29.4 %.Assuming a growth of 50% is desired, the increase in 1997 is given by 0.294*0.5*5296=778.51m. For cumulative liabilities, CA as a ratio of th e sales value is given as (2148-466)/5296=0.316 or 31.6%. Hence the cash flow from the change in the current assets in 1997 is given by 2523-(2148-466) =841m. The net profit as a ratio of sales in1996 =272/5296 = 0.0514 or 5.14%. Hence the cash flow from operating profit for 1997 is given as 0.0514*1.5*5296=408.32m.This means that Dell Corporation has the ability to fund itself in 1997 internally without external injection of capital. (Ruback & Sesia 2003) Aventis

Project Team Selection Essay Example for Free

Project Team Selection Essay As a project manager you acquire a project team in most instances, therefore selecting the skills that each member on the team possess is not possible. You must make the most out of the team that you have been afforded and determine what skills you require to ensure project success. This paper will discuss the importance of team members and ways to utilize the skills on a project team successfully. Project Team Selection A project manager may have little to no influence on the selection of a project team, so it is important for a project manager to keep in mind team makeup can have a critical impact on everything from task execution to establishing team dynamics that will either energize or suck the life out of a project ( TheBigRocks. com, 2010). Excuting a project plan is only as effective as the project manager and its team. Wysocki (2012) suggests that when building and recruiting an effective team, you must consider the technical skills as well as the critical roles and chemistry that must exist between the project manager and the team. The knowledge and technical requirements needed to produce an effective project should be understood prior to seeking out individuals who possess the skills needed (Brown, Hyer 2010). Key stakeholders of the project should be represented to ensure there are no oversights or surprises in the project, so there should be a team member available to do so. The team should also have the ability to work together so Brown and Hyer (2010) suggests the diversity of views, expertise, perspectives and backgrounds can often develop better solutions faster than individuals working alone. Conflict resolution should be available to the team members so that if conflict arises, proper management can enhance team performance. As group size increases, communication, cohesiveness, and job satisfication may decline, while turnover, absenteeism and slacking may also increase (Brown and Hyer, 2010). It is important to consider the optimal team size for your project while ensuring the required skill sets are available. Brown and Hyer (2010) also suggests that it is important to ensure that each team member has enough time to devote to the project to ensure proper coordination of duties. Conclusion The right project team can make or break a project. The selection process must first identify all the roles needed for the project, then identify which roles, skills, bandwidth and authority must be addressed with a specific person, talent, effort level or skill to avoid putting the entire project at risk of failure (, 2010).

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Nature And Purpose Of Business Research

The Nature And Purpose Of Business Research Abstract: The paper seeks to demonstrate the importance of business research for the organizations in terms of marketing and collection of data. Various concepts of business research and its requirements have been thoroughly discussed in this paper. This research papers further explores the different methods and techniques for writing the business research. The classification of data and the limitations and reliability of each class has also been discussed. Finally, the other methods of data collection such as questionnaires, interviews and surveys are discussed to elaborate the concept of data collection. The paper, thus, seeks to identify the various ways of collecting data to carry out a business research in an effective and efficient manner. Introduction: A thorough, complete and well-organized research is the only tool for different organizations to get the overview of their targeted audience. Particularly in business related research, there are various research modules that are carried out in order to understand the marketing trends and patterns. For instance, what are the current needs and wants of the customers and clients in the market and how can the organization meet those needs in an easily accessible manner, the best prices for customers needs, how can you compete efficiently with your competitors and with whom you have to keep well collaborative terms (Bryman and Bell, 2007, p.33). Therefore, there are different research methods depending on the requirements of an individual organization: Planning a Research: The basic step in order to plan a research related to any purpose of any organization depends heavily on what are the requirements of that organization. Thus, you must know your primary objectives that would help you collect the relevant data and information and makes you design a well-organized and precisely targeted research plan. These objectives may include, a current frequent complaint by customers regarding a particular product or service, need to improve a particular service for customers, need to get a high amount of loan from a bank or a fund provider, and the like (Sumner, 2005). Thus, deciding your objectives at first will not only improve the efficiency of your research, but also save you lots of time that you might have spent researching random objectives. Here are the top ten factors that should be kept in mind in order to bring out the best possible plan for any research: You should be precise about the sole objective of the research. You should know before planning research that what goals you want to achieve, what objectives are there that you want to pursue through this research. The clearer you are in your approach, the better results you will most likely get. What will be the information regarding a particular product or service that will make you take the correct decision. For instance, the weakness and strength of a product or service, the failure of a particular product, etc. The audience of the research is another critical factor for carrying out any kind of research. You should be aware of what audience you are going to target for a particular research. The audience may include customers, employees, shareholders, fund provider, bankers, etc. The source of information is also a very crucial part of any research. The research that will provide you information can depend on your objects as it may have consumers, employees, managers, etc. You should also know the deadline for a particular research. As a deadline helps keep the research precise to a particular time only. You should also be aware about the sources that would collect the data and information from different audience. How much can you afford to conduct a research? How much time you are ready to spend in conducting the research? Last but certainly not the least, what will be the methods of collecting information or conducting the research itself. These methods may include, interviews, observation of the targeted audience, case studies, listening, surveys, and the like. Nature and purpose of business research: No hard and fast rules can be described in order to express the purpose of a business research. The reason is simple; each business research depends on the situation and the person or organization that is carrying out the research. However, only one thing is sure that the general purpose of any business research is to get success in the future. It is an undeniable fact that every individual or organization enters the market hoping to gain massive profits. Thus, the primary objective of any business research can be explained as an attempt to improve the sales and income ratio of the company (Hair et al, 2011, p. 82). In addition, it helps the government agencies in obtaining a sort of financial support (Gravetter and Forzano, 2008, p.495). Therefore, conducting a business research will let you understand the trend of the market and what are the needs of the markets and if you would be able to respond to those needs in an efficient manner. You will have to sell only such products or services that the market requires; otherwise, you will have no sale at all. As it is the first rule of entering any market along with your business that never enter a market without knowing each and everything about it. Hence, you should make sure that everything is planned out for even worse of the scenarios. However, if you have done a thorough research, then you can have massive gain in profit in near future. Methods of writing a research proposal: There are various types of research proposal depending on the needs of the research and its purpose. Writing a research proposal for a business is one of those proposals that require a great deal of skills in order to achieve the desired results. The exact research proposal of each organization is different according to its needs and objectives. However, the basic outline can stay the same for almost all the business research proposals (Gravetter and Forzano, 2008, p.495). Title The title of a business research proposal should be attractive enough to catch the attention of the readers in instance of a second and make them curious. However, it should be short and concise, but informative to give an overview picture of the research. Abstract Different sections of the research proposal should be summarized in 3-4 sentences that should relate to the general objective of the research. The key points and facts and figures of a research should be the part of this section. Introduction The introductory part of a research proposal is another important aspect of the proposal. It should state the research purpose in the business context. However, there are two important theses in the introduction. The opening thesis should state the problem properly for which the research is being conducted and expected to be resolved through the research. Meanwhile, the thesis statement should state the expected outcome and the measures that get decided as a result of the research. Features of literature review The literature review of a research proposal is the heart and soul of the research. The feature of literature review is that it justifies and gives arguments to conduct research in the future and shows the already possessed knowledge by the writer ((Bryman and Bell, 2007, p.94). Thus, the core purpose of literature review is that the writer of the research proposal have carried out an extensive research and grasped a large area of the knowledge regarding the research and that the writer is well-aware of the problems and have learned the new theories and patterns. On the other hand, literature review should be strong enough to show a massive gap between the theory or business practice. Methods This section of the research proposal should provide a thorough outline of the activities and methods that the writer have planned to carry out during the research. If the writer of the research wants to achieve success in a research proposal, the methods should be discussed and analyzed that can be used to collect data, information, facts and figures from different source. The top three primary activities for conducting a research are to do surveys, have face-to-face interviews and have focused groups. On the other hand, the sources for secondary activities may be market reports, financial and legal documents, executive publication, etc. Nevertheless, the focus on this section should be on the time to complete any particular activity, materials, script for interviews, etc. All in all, the more thorough and descriptive the data are, the better will be the research proposal. Conclusion The conclusion of a research proposal should state a brief review of all the aspects of the research including the problems, the activities going to be used to counter them and the methods that will benefit a business in theory and in practice (McNabb, 2010, p. 126). Planning a literature search It is always a tricky task to plan a literature search to grasp the relevant, adequate and up-to-date literature. Making sure this thing will actually help you compare your current literature search with the ones that has been conducted in the past. It can really be a time-consuming task for any student. However, if you plan well ahead, then the chance of wrapping it up quickly increases (Hart, 2001). Meanwhile, the best way to bring out everything out of your mind is to use the brainstorming technique. Thus, start your research without concentrating on a single objective and does the literature search from a broader aspect. You can then plan your strategy for the search and then reexamine it with friends or your tutor. Further, you should keep the following information with you, when you are going to discuss with your tutor: The parameters of the literature search should be well explained in an organized manner. The collected databases and the number of different search engines you used to carry out the search. The keywords that you targeted along with the terms or phrases you used for searching purpose. What are the criteria that you have used in search of your literature and the basis on which you collected different data and information? Different approaches to research There are different approaches to conduct a research related to any aspects of life. Few of the most important and crucial approaches to conduct a research are explained below: Primary Research: Primary research is the most widely used approach to conduct a research. It includes the construction and conduction of different surveys, interviews, questioners, etc. to the top-notch people of media and different industries having a diary of log of data. For instance, this research may be about observing what women or men have been doing on television for a whole week. Therefore, the research can be extensive, complex and difficult to conduct. Hence, it requires a much more committed and dedicated efforts to conduct the research. However, if your research is an extensive and thorough project or assignment, then these kinds of researches can be the best available option in terms of choosing a method to conduct a research (Norris and Ortega, 2006). Secondary Print and Multimedia Sources: This method of conducting a research is less complicated and easy to carry out. It deals with the collection of data and information from print media like newspapers, books. Printed statistics issued by different organizations, etc. and from multimedia like radio, television, etc. Hence, these sources can provide a very firm base for statistics, remarks, interviews, collected research details and so many of the other valuable information. Since, most of the part of the research in this approach is collected by these resources and hence makes the job fairly easy enough to just organize the information and present it in a professional manner. Secondary Online Sources: This kind of method of conducting a research can be a tricky one. Most of the people can do a thorough research online, but they will have to compare the information and the source of information as well. Since, most people believe whatever they see online, but it is not entirely true. A website stating a fact or figure does not mean it is true, as there are millions of fake websites roaming around online. Thus, only the official websites can provide the real fact and figures about different surveys and researches conducted at an official level. However, it can be difficult for people to differentiate between a fake and an official website, but the doubt can be put to rest by watching the URL. If a website ends up with an extension like .edu, .ac, .org, etc. then the website is of an official level. Meanwhile, any regular website or blog cannot be termed as an official until or unless confirmed by contacting them. However, these sources provide a good base for the data collection and it is relatively easier to collect the data through these sources (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Comparison: After collecting different data and information from different sources, you need to compare and analyze them. One cannot simply rely on something that he found on television, book or anywhere before getting any further information via different sources. Thus, comparison and analysis of the already collected information is an important part to conduct an efficient research. Therefore, we can conclude that the collection and evaluation of the secondary that is the first pre requisite for the collection of the primary data (Malhotra, 2008). Definition of Secondary Data: Secondary data is a form of data that is readily available from the internal and external sources of the organization. Due to the frequent availability of this data within or from outside the organization, this form of data is much cheaper to obtain as compared to the primary data which may involve a lot of resources for the collection of data (Saunders, 2003). Sources of Secondary Data: There are two main sources for the collection of secondary data which are discussed below: Internal Sources: The Internal sources may include the internal experts, the reports that have been put forward by the organizations and also the internal conditions of the organization. All these things greatly facilitate the researcher to carry on his research after having an overview of the internal factors and internal knowledge of the organization (Winer, 2007). External Sources: The external sources reside outside the organization and the collection of data from the external sources is much more difficult as compared to the internal sources. This is due to the fact that data is huge and is spread on a wider scale. Thus its not an easy task to select some particular sources that may be helpful for the completion of the research. The external sources may well include government and non government publications along with the syndicate services like survey and mail delivery panel (Winer, 2007). Advantages of Secondary data There are quite a few advantages that have been associated with the collection of the secondary data. As previously mentioned, it is not only economical but also save a lot of effort and time. It give the researcher a complete overview of his research and after the collection of the secondary data the user is well aware of the deficiencies in data that are still there which can be overcome with the help of primary sources. This data mainly concentrates on providing a way to the researcher to understand the problem statement in a more efficient and comprehensive way (Saunders, 2003). Limitations of Secondary Research Apart from the above mentioned disadvantages, there are some limitations of secondary data as well which are associated with the secondary researches that also need to be kept in mind. When going for the secondary data, the accuracy issue might be a substantial one. It is not really assured that the data obtained from the secondary research is of accurate nature. Thus one cannot go blindly on the results obtained from the secondary research. These results can be important but surely not the final one. It is also an issue that data from secondary research may be outdated due to the fact that the secondary data is generally obtained from the employees within or outside the organization. Thus there is a chance that the information can be obsolete. Keeping this in view, it is strongly recommended that secondary research should be carried out; however the results cannot be deduced by seeing the results of this research alone. The final results should be the combined effect of the secondar y as well as the primary research (Saunders, 2003). Evaluating the Secondary Data While evaluating the secondary data, there are some essential requirements that need to be satisfied before going for that particular secondary data. These are: Availability: It has to been seen that whether that secondary data for which one is going is easily accessible or not. Relevance: The data which one is going to use should meet the requirements of the research to be carried out. The concepts should be same as that of the proposed research and also the units used are not outdated. Accuracy: This is an important factor which should be considered before going for the secondary data. For finding the accuracy of the data the user can determine the margin of error, the dependability of that particular source and finally the authenticity of that data. If all these three conditions are satisfied then the data can be termed as accurate enough to be used for the research. Sufficiency: Finally there is a sufficiency factor. The data that is available should be sufficient enough to cover all the desired topics Sampling of Primary Data: The data which is never taken before and is collected by the researchers on the first hand is known as primary data. The data which is obtained as a result of primary research may be huge and needs to be filter out in order to make it more rational for the research. This process of filtering out is known as the sampling of the primary data. In the sampling process, one makes sure that which group will provide the best information. Obviously there are a lot of groups; thus sampling is important in the collection of the primary data (Hodges and Videto, 2010, p-98). There are a large number of benefits that are associated with the process of sampling of the data. First of all accuracy is one of the main benefit that can be assured after the sampling of the primary data. One can also increase the scope of the data by this strategy. When sampling is being done, the researcher is supposed to question specific group of people as stated by the aims and objectives of the research. In this scenario, gathering the data from limited number of groups will provide a way to the user to better concentrate on his required objectives. Using of samples may also decrease the errors in the collected data as the researcher is now only focused towards specific community as a result of sampling. Thus the margin of error will be minimized in the process of sampling (Hodges and Videto, 2010, p-98). The sampling frame is an important term in this regard which includes the list of all those people from which the sample is going to be taken. It is better to make a new list for the research as the already existing list which may include schools student lists, call center lists etc might be outdated and hence cant be used. The researcher needs to update the previously made list and add the new list of peoples to form a complete sampling frame (Hodges and Videto, 2010, p-98). Data Collection by Observation In the last couple of centuries, the collection of the data by observation is of particular interest especially in the collection of scientific data. The world of science is doing their research majorly on the basis of the observation of the scientists. Thus most of the scientists collect the relevant data on the basis of observation. However in the present age, the most of the research is being done in the field of sociological sciences in which majority of the research is based on the other data collection methods. Data Collection by Interviews: Data collection with the help of interviews is an important strategy that is being used by most of the researchers. Interview is an effective mean of data collection which is well suited for assessing the behavioral characteristics. The interviews are of flexible nature and can be taken in variety of different scenarios. It is the only way that enables the researcher to have direct conversation. After having an interview the researcher comes in a better position to know more about the problems, challenges and the limitations of that particular organization. This will obviously assist him in carrying out the research in a better way (Brown, 2006, p.162). Semi-structured and in depth Interviews Semi-structured interview is a type of interview that is carried out by using an interview guide. The guide contains the questions that need to be discussed during the interview in order to have maximum benefit from the interview. This is actually a kind of pre-planned interview which is meant for short time. The interview is often considered to somehow superior than the survey due to the fact that the answerer is not restricted anymore to limit his answer whereas in case of survey there are specific options to choose from. Thus an interview gives a sense of freedom to a person to express his/her views in a more convincing way (Geerlings, J. n.d., p.28). Collecting Data by Questionnaires Data collection by questionnaires along with interviews is probably the most commonly used method for the data collection. The questionnaire is basically a set of different questions that is put forward by the researcher in order to gain maximum information about the subject. Some basic types of questionnaires that are being used are Postal questionnaires, Online, Face to face and also telephonic questionnaires. While carrying out the research it is important for the researcher to be aware of the fact that whether the questionnaire is the right mean for the collection of data or not. Questionnaires are usually appropriate for those scenarios where data required is relatively simple, quantitative in nature and required from large number of people (Gratton and Jones, 2010). Questionnaire design A questionnaire is an organized technique that is used to conduct research by collecting the primary data in a survey. Questionnaire can be of any form, i.e. verbal or written. However, the basic goal of designing a Questionnaire is to encourage the respondent to provide accurate and complete information (Brace, 2008). Although questionnaire is the primary tool for collecting data, but there are other components as well that make a research complete and accurate. These components may include, developing a reward system for the respondents, communication methods, field-work, and the like. Basic steps for designing a Questionnaire: The process of designing a questionnaire is a step by step method which should be carried out with a great care (Stevens, 2006, p. 139). No matter which research you are pursuing, but a well-organized and professionally design questionnaire should possess the following guidelines: The first and foremost thing that should be kept in mind before designing a questionnaire is that you should determine the actual information you are looking for and put that in front of you all the time to keep the track in check. The more target information you try to seek, the better will be the outcome of the whole questionnaire. You should determine which form of answers you will provide as an option in a questionnaire to the respondents. The sequence of the questions should make sense and form a fluent flow to keep the respondent interested in the questionnaire. General question material should be put aside and determined to obtain the desired information. One of the most important steps is to determine what kind of question structure and methods of administrating a questionnaire should be used. You should be collecting a set of questions that can bring out more and more information from a respondent without making them bored. Meanwhile, the medium of administrating a questionnaire is a crucial step as well. For instance, a long questionnaire over a telephone call will not give you any proper information, but annoy the respondent. Qualitative data and its reliability Reliability is one of the major characteristics for determining the quality of the data collected and observed. The idea is used in almost all kinds of research. Therefore, a good qualitative data can give a huge boost to the quality of the research. Similarly, a less reliable qualitative data will blur the real picture of the situation and can become immensely confusing. However, the different between the qualitative and the quantitative research that makes the concept of reliability irrelevant in the qualitative research (Silverman, 2006). Meanwhile, there were three questions by Patton (2001) for the credibility of the qualitative research; here are those questions that were raised against the reliability of the qualitative data: What assumptions are taken? What approach and strategy was used to keep the validity, accuracy and integrity of the findings in check? What experience and qualification does the researcher possess that could help the course of the survey? Presenting and analysing data Presenting and analyzing the collected data is the most crucial part of any research (Israel, 2008). Even if the data you collected is reliable and has a good credibility, but the analysis goes wrong, then the whole research will become of no use. Therefore, the data should be organized and the analysis should be made in a decent sequence. First, before you start the analyzing questionnaires, interviews, statistics, etc. you should review the basic reason behind carrying out the whole research itself. For instance, if the reason behind conducting research for you is to improve a particular product or service, then the analysis should be made accordingly, i.e. the strong points, weak points and the suggestions to improve the product or service. On the other hand, if the basic reason behind the survey is to analyze the mechanism of your program, then the customers, clients, employees, etc. should go through your program. Basic analysis presentation of data of Quantitative Information The basic analysis and presentation of Quantitative Information can be performed by the following guidelines: First of all, backup of information collected is a must. Make copies of the data and use the copied version of the data in order to make changes, edit or improve the data. Giving answers in range looks a more sophisticated way to present the data. For example, 10 of the 50 people were ranked on the 1st place. Calculating a mean or average of the data collected is a much more organized manner to show ratings and rankings. An average of 30.7 seems much more professional then quoting the exact figures four, five times. It is important to use tabular form to present the data in terms of ratings and rankings. However, a yes or a no answer should be placed next to each question. Basic analysis presentation of data of Qualitative Information The basic analysis and presentation of Qualitative Information can be performed by the following guidelines: Re-read the complete data and review if there are any mistakes. Strong point, weakness and suggestion should all be labeled accordingly to make it presentable. Once the qualitative data is collected, the next step is a very critical one that is to analyze the data. You should keep a close eye on the data and analyze it thoroughly to form different patterns, trends, similarity, association or any kind of relationships between the two terms. For instance, people of age 30 or less liked music more than the older ones, etc. Never discard the only conducted research, as you might need it for future references or research. The Final Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation of Data The final analysis presentation of data for conclusion is the heart and soul of a research. It shows what your goals were and what you achieved through conducting the research. Thus, a professional looking, well-organized evaluation of the research should be presented to the companys employees and managers to improve the products and service of the organization (If the survey was conducted for the evaluation of the products and services of a company). Show brief information about what results you expected and what was the result that you found? If it was a performance evaluation research, make sure to label the good and the bad of the performance according to the research. If it was a program evaluation, then give a proper place to the peoples experience section and try to learn the common findings from the experience of people who took part in the research. After the complete interpretation of the collected data and information, a reporting result should be presented expressing concerns, recommendations and the association of different facts and figures that could help the cause of the survey. Conclusion: In this modern era, the need of carrying out a business research to sort out different problems which an organization may face as well as to determine the reliability and effectiveness of a particular project has become extremely vital. Business research, however, need to be carried out in an effective and efficient manner to draw accurate results. The most important part of the business research is the data collection. Primary data and secondary data are the two categories in which the data can be classified. For accurate results, it is requisite that both primary data and secondary data should be considered. Data can be collected through various ways such as interviews, surveys and questionnaires. Whatever the method of data collection is, it should be ensured that the results are drawn out after the careful analysis of all the available data.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Poes The Raven Essay -- Edgar Allen Poe

Raven During a cold, dark evening in December, a man is attempting to find some solace from the remembrance of his lost love, Lenore, by reading volumes of "forgotten lore." As he is nearly overcome by slumber, a knock comes at his door. Having first believed the knock to be only a result of his dreaming, he finally opens the door apologetically, but is greeted only by darkness. A thrill of half-wonder, half-fear overcomes the speaker, and as he peers into the deep darkness, he can only say the word "Lenore." Upon closing the door, another knock is immediately heard from the chamber's window. The narrator throws open the shutter and window, and in steps a large, beautiful raven, which immediately posts itself on the bust of Pallas Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, above the entrance of the room. Amused by the animal, the speaker asks it its name, to which the bird replies "Nevermore." Believing "Nevermore" to be the raven's name, the narrator's curiosity is piqued, but the speaker beli eves the name to have little relevancy to his question, for he had never before heard of any man or beast called by that name. Although the bird is peaceful, the narrator mutters to himself that it, like all other blessings of his life, will soon leave him. Again the bird replies "Nevermore." Intrigued, the speaker pulls a chair up directly before the bird to more readily direct his attention on the wondrous beast, and to figure out the meaning of the bird's single monotonous reply. While in contemplation in the chair, the speaker's mind turns to Lenore, and how her frame will never again bless the chair in which he now reposes. Suddenly overcome with grief, the persona believes that the raven is a godsend, intended to deliver him from his ang... ... end, and he made sure that no preceding stanza would "surpass this in rhythmical effect. "Poe then worked backwards from this stanza and used the word "Nevermore" in many different ways, so that even with the repetition of this word, it would not prove to be monotonous. Poe builds the tension in this poem up, stanza by stanza, but after the climaxing stanza he tears the whole thing down, and lets the narrator know that there is no meaning in searching for a moral in the raven's "nevermore". The Raven is established as a symbol for the narrator's "Mournful and never-ending remembrance." "And my soul from out that shadow, that lies floating on the floor, shall be lifted - nevermore!" Works Cited Poe, Edgar Allen. "The Raven." McQuade, 1688-91. Poe Edgar Allen. "The Philosophy of Composition." McQuade 1671-79.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Cigarettes are Killing America :: Argumentative Persuasive Arguement

Cigarettes are Killing America This year alone cigarettes will kill over 420,000 Americans, and many more will suffer from cancers, and circulatory and respiratory system diseases1. These horrible illnesses were known to originate from cigarettes for years. Nicotine, the main chemical additive in cigarettes, was declared addictive by the Food and Drug Administration. This explains why smokers continue to use cigarettes even though smokers are aware of the constantly warned about health dangers in cigarettes. Although smokers constitute the majority of people who suffer from cigarettes, they are not the only ones ailing from cigarette smoke. As UC San Francisco scientist and author Stanton Glantz estimates in Shari Roan's article, the amount of second-hand smoke inhaled by the typical nonsmoker is equivalent to one cigarette smoked per day.1 Even that amount of cigarette smoke can damage a person's heart. Some researchers have also concluded that smoking by pregnant women causes the deaths of over 5,000 babies and 115,000 miscarriages.2 The only way to terminate the suffering and loss of life brought upon by cigarettes exists as a complete proscription on them. Opponents to the banning of cigarettes argue that it will create a profound negative impact on the economy. They do not realize that this nation places the health of its citizens above its financial status. Although many people continue to remain convinced that absolving our country of cigarettes does not merit some economical loss, this remains as a necessary step in eradicating our country of these virulent stiflers of life. For years cigarettes have been known to cause cancer, emphysema, and other horrible illnesses. The deaths of over 420,000 of Americans this year will be attributable to cigarettes. With all the other causes of preventable deaths, alcohol, illegal drugs, AIDS, suicide, transportation accidents, fires, and guns, cigarettes still account for more preventable deaths than those do combined, as stated by Lonnie Bristow M.D. of the American Medical Association at her speech to Indiana University.3 We can no longer stand aside and watch fellow Americans die because they smoke cigarettes. Thousands of smokers try to rid themselves of cigarettes but can't because of the physiological dependence they develop, chiefly imputable to its chemical additive nicotine.4 Nicotine was recently declared addictive by the Food and Drug Administration, which explains why many smokers continue to smoke despite the numerous health warnings on cigarette smoking. Although cigarettes do not offer as intense an ef fect as drugs like heroin and cocaine, they rank higher in the level of dependence it creates in the user.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Services Marketing and Management

Defining Services Services are about the economic activities offered by one party to another. On the other hand is about exchange for the customer money, time, and effort, service customers expect to obtain value from access to goods, labor, facilities, environments, professional skills, networks, and systems; but they do not normally take ownership of any of the physical elements involved. And then services also involve a from of rental, offering benefits without transfer of ownership such as include rental of good. Defining four categories of services and exampleBased on differences in nature of service act tangible or intangible and who or what is direct recipient of service people or possessions, there are four categories of services: first one is people processing second one is possession processing, third one Mental stimulus processing, the last one is information processing. (1) People Processing is about services that are directed at the people themselves. Customers must phys ically enter the service factory. The managers should think about the process and output from customer's perspective.The people processing example have hospitals and fitness centers. (2) Possession Processing is about customers may ask service organizations to provide treatment for some of their physical possessions. Customers are less physically involved compared to people processing services. Production and consumption are separable. The possession processing example have repair services and house cleaning services (3) Mental Stimulus Processing is about the services touch people's minds, and have the power to shape attitudes and influence behavior. Core content of services is information-based. t can be inventoried The mental stimulus processing example have consulting, education and broadcasting. (4) Information processing is about information is the most intangible form of service output but may be transformed into enduring forms of service output. Some services are most highly dependent on the effective collection and processing of information. The information processing example have accounting, banking and financial. â€Å"It has been argued that businesses should see themselves as offering a customer-satisfying service rather than a goods-producing process. In this question, I think different companies will have different practices, some businesses should see themselves as offering a the customer-satisfying the service rather than a goods-producing process. Although a company can do these two completely to satisfy the customer needs. but some businesses need to provide themselves as offering a goods-producing process. But now companies are more focused on customer service. About the J. B. McKitterick, a General Electric executive, he say some marketing concept about the customer service is important.In a paper written in 1957, he observed that the principal marketing function of company is to determine what the customer wants and then develop the appr opriate product or service. Which was to develop products and then build customer interest in those products. The foundation for the marketing concept about the customer satisfaction is of primary importance. A growing number of company are giving increased attention to customer service. such as Financial institutions, beauty industry, airlines, retail stores, restaurants, manufacturers, and wholesalers face the problem of gaining and retaining the patronage of customers.Building long-term relationships with customers has been given a high priority by the majority of Hong Kong this place most successful enterprises. Many companies realize that customer satisfaction is an important key to success. Customer service can be defined as those activities that enhance or facilitate the purchase and use of the product. Competition in the industry too many, their products are the same or very similar. We have entered the age of boundless competition, triggered in large part by an expanding gl obal economy. Multinational competition has increased dramatically in recent years.To compete successfully in markets where products are the same or very similar, and prices are basically the same, so the customer service is often the only competitive advantage available. Many companies will do the survey, they will ask the customer need and they want the company will focus on customer-satisfying service or goods-producing process, the customer's answers is want to focus in customer-satisfying service. such as the company will have some training programme to give the staff. Now more people want the company can provide a good service more than a goods-producing process. ecause customers want the sales can to help them and address their needs. They will feel happy for their shopping. After their shopping, if some people feel this company have a good service, they would recommend to their friend. I think this can effectively to promote their company's products. It can attract more peop le to come the company to buy their product. On the other hand, such as financial, beauty these industries, these industries need to have and provide good customer service, because these industries require face-to-face contact with customers every time. o they need to provide the good customer service. And then the companies also hope that the customer service is ranked first, in addition, for the brand name of the company to establish good reputation, and this can increase the visibility of their company, more people can know their company information. On the other hand, they can attract more customers use the company's services or to buy the company's products. I think every company need have their customer-friendly systems and training. because the staff can know how to handled in a timely fashion. it can add value and build customer loyalty. uch as the cashier at the supermarket, the receptionist at the doctor's office, and the front-desk clerk at the hotel often have the first opportunity to serve the customer. they need to possess the social skills needed to build customer loyalty. The ultimate purpose of every business should be to satisfy the customer. Increased levels of competition require a greater commitment to customer service. some company is offering a goods-producing process rather than a customer-satisfying service. if they don't have a good service, the customer will not come to second time. o this type company can not only focus in the producing process. They also need to focus in the customer service. it can attract the customer come to next time. in this time, i think all company need focus this two type can do a good company and do very well. the company need to have quality results, good service, and a fair price to sell their product and provide their service. If the businesses that did not focus on customer feelings and emotions so they will lost customer. I will suggest the company need for continual reinforcement, and continuing good customer service programs.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Importance of Employee Retention During a Recession

Importance of Employee Retention During a Recession Introduction During a recession companies have to constantly protect and plan for financial attacks from increased expenses, decreased sales as well as customer and especially employee retention. Management must realize that their employees are suffering just as their businesses are with increased expenses and costs for everyday items. All parties must work cohesively to transition through a down economy. Employers must be aware that their employees will be looking for other employment if the company is not providing the tools time and training in order for them to perform their jobs well.This is especially important during recessionary times when the focus needs to be on customer and employee retention. Numerous studies have found and experts agree that â€Å"company culture† is the leading factor in employee satisfaction and retention. Companies must embrace the importance of employee retention through the implementation of various retention practices so that they will be better prepared to continue to grow and be successful even through recessionary times.Companies that grasp that concept and incorporate an environment where employees feel empowered, motivated and engaged will result in greater productivity and teamwork and therefore greater customer loyalty. Company Culture Company culture and in several instances lack of a positive company culture appears to be the leading factor in the retention ratio of employees remaining versus voluntarily leaving a company. The culture of a company is defined by many different aspects. Organizations that focus on employee retention and management programs have found some surprising indications.Employee retention has been a challenge for all companies big and small and across industry lines. Many have researched and studied the reasons why some companies have better retention rates than others similar. Many experts agree that a basic foundation of proven retent ion and management skills being implemented and used effectively will result in a higher retention rate. The consensus of decades of research has found that â€Å"high retention has little to do with formal programs and everything to do with culture† (Duggan, 2010).Companies that aim to make sure theirs is a company that values its most valuable asset, its employees. Years of analysis on employee retention and human resource directives have shown that an environment where employees are valued assets and treated as such as well as one where talent has been developed with the proper tools, time and training show higher retention levels over time in any economic environment. â€Å"Among those who strongly agreed that they work for a manager who cares about their well-being, 94 percent said they intend to stay with their current employer.Of those who strongly disagreed that their manager cared about their well-being, just 43 percent planned to stick around† (Ryan, 2010). A well known gem known among informed and effective management is that employees do not leave companies they leave bad managers. With this knowledge companies should be able to make sure their focus and goal should be to ensure that their company and its management is effective, dependable and respected leaders. This focus in the long run will ensure there is a positive company culture that will allow them to maintain their most valued asset.Importance of Solid Human Resource Practices The human resource department should take the lead when implementing policies, disciplining employees and layoffs or terminations within a company and especially during a down economy. The human resource department can ensure that policies are implemented smoothly and within legal guidelines. They are there to ensure that company policies and procedures are communicated effectively. â€Å"HR must take the lead in workforce management, including, when necessary, conducting layoffs or terminations of em ployees in a systematic, ogical and effective manner â€Å"(Lieber, Spring 2009). Companies are finding that by developing their current pool of employees they will be better able to weather any market trends whether up or down. Employers should focus on making sure that employees receive regular feedback from their managers. Informal weekly meetings are a great start to fostering positive relationships between managers and their staff. Studies have found that consistent communication helps to ensure that employees are comfortable with positive and not so positive criticism.Communications and how effective companies are at communicating new policies and procedures help to foster a level of trust and openness within the entire company. An environment where employees are encouraged to voice their concerns and receive proper feedback ensures that employees are engaged in their positions and in the success of the company. Any positive, proactive measure implemented by human resources, as long as done with honesty, will help to engage employees and contribute to a positive company culture. Misconceptions of Employee RetentionEmployee retention is one of the most important factors in any companies’ success. Along with its importance come several misconceptions as well as adverse effects as a result of them. The majority of employers believe that employees would never consider leaving their jobs during a recession. In fact, a survey conducted by Salary. com showed that 65% of employees admit to passively or actively looking for a new job already (Throckmorton, n. d. ). Experts are in agreement that many times companies focus on retaining their high level executives during difficult times.An article in the Mckinsey Quarterly emphasizes that companies should instead turn their focus on retaining the â€Å"key employees† (Cosack, Guthridge, Lawson, 2010). Key employees are defined as ones that are normal performers and are critical to the company’s success overall. Key employees are not necessarily the high level executives; they are normal performing employees that are critical to the overall success of the company (Cosack, Guthridge, Lawson, 2010). Collectively the departments support the entire company and share in the company’s success.Employers tend to believe that employees are also less engaged in their positions during a down economy because they believe that employees have fewer employment options. This is another misconception. In a study conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership and Booz Allen Hamilton found that employees are more engaged in their positions during a recession. Conclusion As one can conclude maintaining a high and effective retention rate is a challenge for most companies no matter the condition of the economy.Companies that are serious about their success will always value their most important asset, their employees. Successful companies will have embraced the challenges and will enga ge their employees. Companies with effective and ethical leaders will be laying the foundation for long-term success of the company in a any economic environment.References Duggan,  M. (2010,  August). Best practices: Retention. Drug Topics,  154(8),  21. Retrieved October 31, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:  2137959661). Lieber, L. (2009). How to manage terminations and layoffs in a recession. Employment Relations Today (Wiley), 36(1), 95-102. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. Cosack, S. , Guthridge, M. , & Lawson, E. (2010). Retaining key employees in times of change. McKinsey Quarterly, (3), 135-139. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. Throckman, R. (n. d. ). Are You Worrying about Retention During the Recession? You Better Be! Retrieved from http://www. strategichrinc. com/articles/rentention-recession. htm. Ryan, J. (2010). Keeping Employees Happy in a Post-Recession World. BusinessWeek. com, 5. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.